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  • The end of the project (SUMMARY – EN)

    Lithuania stands out from other countries with especially poor indicators in the areas of domestic abuse, alcohol consumption and suicide. Statistical data demonstrates that these indicators are especially unsatisfactory among Lithuanian men. There are not enough organisations in Lithuania offering support for men (men's crisis centres), and the centres that do exist are underfunded and inexperienced. By implementing the initiative entitled “Better for all: working with male domestic abusers in order to support women and children, the victims of domestic violence”, the Men's Crisis Centre of Kaunas County (MCCKC) sought to address the lack of support for male domestic abusers in Lithuania.
    The aim of the project to strengthen NGOs providing services to male domestic abusers, thus increasing support and protection for the victims of domestic abuse, i.e., women and children.
    Project objectives:
    • To create a network and coalition of men's crisis centres operating in Kaunas, Vilnius, Šiauliai, Utena and Marijampolė.
    • To organise educational courses for representatives of newly established men's crisis centres.
    • To provide services to male domestic abusers in Kaunas.
    • To promote the provision and funding of services for male domestic abusers in Kaunas, Šiauliai, Utena, Marijampolė, Vilnius and other Lithuanian municipalities. To encourage the initiation of services for men in the municipalities of Jurbarkas, Šakiai, Varėna, Alytus and Vilkaviškis by organising informational exchange meetings.
    • To conduct a study that would reveal the attitudes of specialists providing social services to men looking for support (including domestic abusers) and to the specifics and possibilities for providing support.
    • To strengthen the capabilities and material resources of MCCKC.
    • To organise a campaign against domestic abuse with a view to educating the public and by involving men in the campaign.
    • To promote the project, communicate information about its aims, objectives, activity and indicators.
    Activities implemented during the project and achieved results:
    • A more active civic society. More volunteering. Number of individuals regularly volunteering for NGOs. Indicator: 13 (10 planned).
    • Promoting democratic values and human rights. Campaigns promoting awareness of human rights were organised. Indicator: 2. We organised the first campaign, “Aš nesmurtauju! Nesmurtauk ir tu!” (“I'm not a domestic abuser! Don't be a domestic abuser either!”), in October-November of 2013. The second awareness campaign targeted the problem of alcoholism in Lithuania. Domestic violence is clearly linked to the consumption of alcohol – about 8 out of 9 domestic abusers are under the influence of alcoholic substances. National authorities were presented with a “Resolution on Policy for Reducing Alcohol Consumption” and the issue was discussed on a radio show.
    • A strengthened network and coalition of NGOs working together. A network was developed and coalition of NGOs working with men was established. The coalition has already prepared and submitted two resolutions to national authorities: “Regarding the Activity of NGOs Working with Men in Lithuania” and “Regarding the Establishment of the Reduction of Alcohol Consumption as an Internal Policy Priority”.
    • Stronger NGO capabilities and a favourable environment for the NGO sector. Educational seminars for developing the capabilities of NGOs were organised. There have been observable changes in the scope of NGO activity, indicator: 4 (3 planned). Currently, NGOs from 4 Lithuanian cities that developed their capabilities for working with men perpetrating domestic violence now provide these services. A number of information-exchange events were also set up, indicator: 10. As planned, 10 informational meetings in various Lithuanian towns took place. They were attended by 177 specialists from NGOs and state institutions.
    • Improved well-being and provision of social services to certain target groups. Number of improved social services accessible. Indicator: 1 The said service is a programme for altering violent behaviour. Up to now, the Men's Crisis Centre of Kaunas County was virtually the only NGO in Lithuania to work with such a programme and provide this service. During the implementation period of the project, 4 NGO specialists were trained, and the service is now being provided under the violent behaviour alteration programme in Šiauliai, Utena, Marijampolė and Raseiniai.
    • Improved well-being and provision of social services to certain target groups. Number of individuals who can confirm that they have felt an increase in the availability of social services that meet their needs, number: 57 (Planned: 50). This is the number of individuals who received the service during individual consultations and group seminars under the programme for altering violent behaviour.
    Empowered vulnerable groups. Changing attitudes towards NGOs were observed among national, regional and local authorities. Indicator: 10. Representatives of local municipalities participated in our informational meetings in all 10 Lithuanian cities, which demonstrated their interest in the activity of NGOs and their willingness to cooperate. We also received answers to the resolutions we submitted to national governmental institutions.
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